Deploying Peplink FusionHub on Vultr (Updated for 8.5.1)

1. Log in to Vultr

ℹ️ To log in to Vultr, head to When you are logged in you can proceed to the next step.

2. Head to your Snapshots

Click the "Orchestration" tab on the left and then click "Snapshots"

Head to your Snapshots


3. Click "Add Snapshot"

Click "Add Snapshot in the top right

Click "Add Snapshot"


4. Get RAW Image from Peplink's Website

Navigate to

Get RAW Image from Peplink's Website


5. Get RAW Image from Peplink's Website

Right click "RAW (UEFI)" to copy the URL for the snapshot file.

⚠️ Ensure you get the url for the UEFI version. If you use the non-UEFI version, your image will not boot on Vultr.

Get RAW Image from Peplink's Website


7. Add the Snapshot

Head back to the Vultr control panel where you left off on the Add Snapshot page. Paste the link we got from Peplink's support page into the upload URL box, check the "UEFI" box, and then click "Upload".

Add the Snapshot


8. Head back to Snapshots listing

When you clicked "Upload" a modal will show indicating that the snapshot is downloading. Let's head back to the Snapshots page to check the status.

Head back to Snapshots listing


9. Verify Snapshot Uploaded

You will see the snapshot we just uploaded listed here. The status on the right will initially be "Pending" until the download is complete. When the snapshot is downloaded and ready for use the status will be "Available".

Verify Snapshot Uploaded


10. Deploy a Server

When the snapshot is available, click "Compute" in the left menu and then click "Deploy" in the top right of the compute page.

Deploy a Server


11. Select a Server

Select the server attributes for your new FusionHub instance. We use Shared CPU in the Dallas region and 1 vCPU / 2GB RAM server.

When you have selected your server options, click "Configure Software" at the bottom right.


Select a Server


12. Click "Snapshot"

Select the Snapshot tab at the top

Click "Snapshot"


13. Select your Snapshot

Select the snapshot file we just uploaded.

Select your Snapshot



14. Configure your Server Settings

Select an SSH Key Pair and a Firewall Group for this instance.

(Optional) If you have a hostname, label, or reserved IP address to assign, you can select those here as well.

If you need to create a firewall group, see the "Creating a Firewall Group" here.

Configure your Server Settings


15. Final Configuration

Select any additional features you require, along with the "Cloud-Init User-Data" feature.

Final Configuration


16. Input Cloud-Init Data

For this example we will be using basic username/password User-Data. The full guide for Cloud-Init data can be found on Peplink's website.

When you're finished adding your User-Data, click "Deploy" at the bottom right.


Input Cloud-Init Data


17. Allow the VM to Install

During deployment, the VM's status will be "Installing". This will change to "Running" when the snapshot has been restored to the VM.

Do note that the VM will take another ~60 seconds for the FusionHub image to be fully booted.

Allow the VM to Install


18. Grab the IP Address

When the VM is running, click the VM name. You will find the public IP address on this page. Go ahead and copy it.

Grab the IP Address


19. Log In to FusionHub

Open a new browser tab/window and head to that IP address over an https connection. Example: (though, do input your VM's IP address here).

You can log in using the username and password you set in the User-Data.


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