eSIM Support on Peplink Devices


There are two flavors of eSIM support with regard to Peplink devices:

  • Bring-Your-Own (BYO) eSIM, and
  • Peplink eSIM

Note: For the purposes of this article, eSIM and eUICC will be referred to interchangeable as eSIM. If you have more detailed technical questions beyond the scope of this article please reach out to us. 

Bring-Your-Own (BYO) eSIM

If your mobile carrier provides eSIMs and you wish to use those plans in your Peplink device, you will be using a Bring-Your-Own eSIM.

There are a few requirements when activating a BYO eSIM on a Peplink device:

  • Firmware 8.4.0 or higher on the Peplink device
  • An active internet connection other than the cellular radio you're applying the BYO eSIM to
    • NOTE: You are able to activate an eSIM on a single radio device if the device is using an active Peplink eSIM plan on that radio. 
  • Device is registered in InControl2, and you have access to the InControl2 organization
  • An active Care Plan on the Peplink device

Lastly, you must have either an activation string, QR Code, or have a carrier that supports GSMA eSIM Discovery (we don't have all the details here, but generally, your provider must support SM-DS).


That's it! If you're ready to activate, head over to our support article on applying a BYO eSIM to your Peplink device.


Peplink eSIM

Most modern Peplink cellular devices have a built-in eSIM called Peplink eSIM and data plans can be purchased through your preferred reseller (ideally, Llama Networks!) or directly through Peplink. Each of the devices with a Peplink eSIM already have the eSIM configured/programmed in the device with the only limiting requirement is you subscribing to the plan through Peplink.

With a Peplink eSIM, you can enable true zero touch provisioning (ZTP) of a remote device without every touching the device. More importantly, for single-radio Peplink cellular devices, it can enable remote eSIM provisioning without connecting to usb, wired, or wifi WAN connections. 

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